We are pleased to welcome you to the conference on 5 December 2024. Below are important guidelines and details for your participation.
- Offline Attendance
- Venue: Conference Hall A & B, 2nd Floor, Center for Research and Community Services (CRCS) Building, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), Bandung.
- Date: 5 December 2024.
Online Attendance
- Conference Zoom Link : https://bit.ly/ConferenceRoomICSSTI2024.
Passcode: 643114 - Conference Zoom Link : https://bit.ly/ConferenceRoomICSSTI2024.
Program Book
- The program book, containing all important information about the conference, can be accessed via this link: https://bit.ly/ProgramBookICSSTI2024.
- Each presenter will have 15 minutes for their presentation (12 minutes), followed by a Q&A session (3 minutes).
- Presentation slides should be prepared in English.
- Presenters are advised to check their allocated Paper ID and time slot for their presentations in the program book. Please note that papers that are not presented at the conference will not be included in the conference proceedings.
- Please name your slide as: Paper-ID_Presenter-name.pptx or Paper-ID_Presenter-name.pdf. For example, AP1_John Doe.pptx.
- Please submit your slide by 4 December 2024 via this link: https://bit.ly/SlideSubmissionICSSTI2024.
- Presenters attending online should format their display names as follows: Paper-ID_Presenter-name. For example, AP1_Jane Doe.
Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please contact us at pstia@itb.ac.id.